I am currently in the process of updating this page with updated notes and exercises from this year’s classes. Please be patient. If there are any dead links, email me and I will do my best to fix them.

  1. Python Basics
    1. Basic Mathematics: Notes | Exercises
    2. The math Module: Notes | Exercises
    3. Variables and Data Types: Notes | Exercises
    4. Input and Output: Notes | Exercises
    5. Case Study (Height Calculator): Notes and Exercises
    6. Review: Exercises
  2. Making Decisions
    1. if, elif and else: Notes | Exercises
    2. Nested if Blocks: Notes | Exercises
    3. Logical Operators: Notes | Exercises
    4. The random Module: Notes | Exercises
    5. Case Study (Digit Match): Notes and Exercises
    6. Review: Exercises
  3. Repeating Code
    1. Counted Iteration with for Loops: Notes | Exercises
    2. Controlling Iteration with break and continue: Notes | Exercises
    3. Conditional Iteration with while Loops: Notes | Exercises
    4. Nested Loops: Notes | Exercises
    5. Basic Input Validation Using Loops: Notes | Exercises (TBD)
    6. Case Study (Nim): Notes and Exercises
    7. Review: Exercises
  4. Algorithms and Documentation
    1. Algorithms and Pseudocode: Notes | Exercises
    2. Flowcharts: Notes | Exercises | Video
    3. Internal Documentation: Notes | Exercises (TBD)
    4. Trace Tables: Notes | Exercises
    5. Using a Debugger: Notes for Thonny IDE | Exercises
    6. Case Study (Value Range): Notes and Exercises
    7. Review: Exercises (TBD)
  5. Functions and Modularity
    1. Creating Simple Functions: Notes | Exercises
    2. Returning Values: Notes | Exercises
    3. Calling Functions Within Functions: Notes | Exercises
    4. Better Input Validation Using Functions: Notes | Exercises
    5. Creating Modules: Notes | Exercises
    6. Case Study (Surface Area): Notes and Exercises
    7. Review: Exercises
  6. Strings
    1. String Basics: Notes | Exercises
    2. Slicing Strings: Notes | Exercises
    3. String Information Methods: Notes | Exercises
    4. Substrings: Notes | Exercises
    5. Advanced Input Validation Using String Methods: Notes | Exercises
    6. Basic String Formatting: Notes | Exercises
    7. Advanced String Formatting Using format: Notes | Exercises
    8. Case Study (Cryptography): Notes and Exercises
    9. Review: Exercises
  7. Tuples, Lists and Dictionaries
    1. Tuple and List Basics: Notes | Exercises
    2. Adding and Removing List Elements: Notes | Exercises
    3. Searching and Sorting: Notes | Exercises
    4. Splitting and Joinging Strings, and List Comprehensions: Notes | Exercises
    5. Multidimensional Lists: Notes | Exercises
    6. Case Study (Inventory System): Notes and Exercises
    7. Review: Exercises
  8. Extras